If there was any death metal album that you should've checked out in the year 2011, it was "Doom of the Occult" by Necros Christos. This german horde has really locked in on the whole doomier death vibe, occasionally tossing in or opening with fast blasts and thrash's, Necros' more often sets the tempo at a mid-pace or slower. This helped in creating one of the most headbanging friendly Death Metal experiences I've had the pleasure of hearing in a while, though that's not to say it's so straightforward. In between each track is a multi-instrumental interlude that sounds like a mix of ethnic middle eastern, Indian, and European music, helping to conjure up images of doom, gloom, and deities of another realm. The production on this guy is perfect! A very crisp sounding record without being over produced, and on top of this all, vocals feature an outstanding echo, giving the deep death growl another dimension. There is absolutely nothing I'd change about "doom of the occult", it's exactly what I look for in Death Metal, it's epic, the vocals are great, the production is spot on, and a plus is that the layout was exceptional, with a gatefold sleeve, poster, and booklet inside! Make sure this slab of death finds it's way into your collection.
Band Origin: Germany
Sample Track:
There's a really great interview with the lead singer in oaken throne #6 where he talks about his "unnatural addiction to the mysteries of the occult" and how "nobody understands how draining it is to praise the dark one." The lower hlf of his body isn't in the picture, but I garauntee that it's covered by full length camo pants.